Friday, May 13, 2011

Meet Ling Ling's Chickens

With very little time around your chickens you will dicover they each have their own persinality quirks. Just like people some are endering and some.....
not so much.

 Lucy is a one year old Welsummer. She is definitely a feisty red head. She doesn’t mind being held as long as you don’t mind your jewelry being pecked! Never go close to her when you are wearing sandals, she just can’t resist the urge to peck your toes. She is a happy, but vocal bird. She will squawk and cackle when she lays, when she wants attention, when she is hungry or for no reason at all! However, her quirks are easily tolerated when you see her large speckled chocolate eggs. She is a faithful layer, averaging 4 – 6 a week.

Rose “The Miracle Chicken” is a one year old Australorp who lays 5 – 6 light brown, medium size eggs a week. Rose hatched on May 16th 2010, she laid her first egg on a cold winter day in November 2010. She is a docile bird who loves attention; petting and holding her are easily done. She is very quiet, only cooing and cackling for attention or out of delight. She earned the name “The Miracle Chicken” when she made a complete recovery from an accident that left a 7 inch cut from her throat to her groin. Despite losing some of her breast feathers,(which are starting to come in now) she incurred no permanent damage and began laying eggs two weeks after the injury.

Blanch is a beautiful Australorp whose glossy black feathers contain a lustrous green sheen in the sunlight. She is one year old, averaging 5 – 6 light brown, medium size eggs a week. She laid her first egg at six months old. Her very quite but curious nature makes her a joy as she follows us around the yard always sticking her “beak” into our business. If you ignore her for too long, she will begin cooing until you acknowledge her. Usually stroking her soft feathers is enough to appease her.

Sophia is a Silver Laced Wyandotte, with a very striking black and white feather pattern. She is one year old, averaging 4 –5 light brown, medium size eggs a week. She laid her first egg at six months old. She is the watch dog of our brood. If anything is amiss in the yard, she will sound the alarm. Whenever we hear her squawking, we know either the dogs are too close for her comfort or a cat is nearby. If all is quiet on the home front, then she is quiet as well. Keeping mostly to herself, she must be bribed with a treat if you want to try to pet her. Even then, however, there is no guarantee she will let you near!

New to the Coop The Babies & Teen Chicks. Baby Chicks have a sweet nature. It’s cool to see them loose their down and grow their feathers. Teen Chicks are odd, awkward & flighty. They are quick and like to back talk to the older hens. If the hens pay the teens any attention the teens will jump on them and peck them.   More to come as they are named & grow into sweet natured hens….we hope!!!!
Squacking, Cackling, Cooing & Quiet Persinality Quirks -
Ling Ling  and  Crutch

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