Tuesday, July 12, 2011

When one pet hurts another....

Our Dear Sweet Whiny Penny has passed away. The kids and I went to town and when we came home we noticed the chickens had gotten out. Our Mother Hen Abby The Chicken Licker had licked Whiny Penny to death.  She almost ran Harrie & Genuine to death. This tragedy was absolutely not Abbys’ fault. I felt so bad for the kids to have one loved pet hurt another beloved pet. We now double check things. Abby still loves her chickens and wants to mother them. We still love her as much as we always have.

Hunter the boy who named Whiny Penny was given a new chick to name.  Guess what he named her…. “Whiny Penny the 2nd”.

Tears for our chickens and Love for our Chicken Licker,
Ling Ling & Crutch

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