Monday, June 13, 2011

Did I bring home The Devil Chicken???

The answer is YES I do think so. Harrie-It has turned out to be a problem child. She has decided she does not like Whiney Penny. Every chance she gets she attacks her. Harrie-It shreds the paper in the bottom of the box we keep the chicks in, keeps everyone away from the food and water, puffs up to look big and tons of other things that are Devilish in nature. As the nightmare of a story is unfolded to Ling Ling she laughs and said that is the literal “Pecking Order” taking place. Ling gave me some stuff called ROOSTER BOOSTER PICK-NO-MORE COVER-UP LOTION to put on the bullied chicks head.


ROOSTER BOOSTER  is an amazing product. When the chicks get it in their mouth it has an awful taste. They try to wipe it off on the ground. After The Devil Chicken (AKA: Harrie-It) got a mouth full a few times it curbed her hatred for Whiny Penny.

Cute Devil Chickens & Rooster Boostering,

Ling Ling & Crutch

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