Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Meet The Crutch Chicks

On April 23rd we were gifted 2 chicks that were used in the church petting zoo for Easter. The chicks were about 1 week old. A Crutch kid named one that day Genuine. The other went nameless for weeks until a neighborhood kiddo came over. He named her Whiny Penny. What a great name. We told him in honor of her getting a name, he could have her first eggs.

As of today they are approximately 7 weeks old. They are two peas in a pod. They stay close to each other and act in sync with each other. They are starting to fly. They even seem to recognize my voice.

Harrie-It came from the Norge Feed Store on May 17, 2011.
So named due to the feathers on her legs. Hairy leg chickens can come in all breeds. I just love them. Harrie-It is a big ol' baby. If the other two chicks move out of sight she gets very upset and loud. She likes to keep the other two in check.

Updates on the little darlings will come as the chicks grow and lay eggs. This is all very exciting. We hope we are relaying how cool it is to be a "Chicken Farmer" !

Chicks for gifts and cool names,

Ling Ling & Crutch

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